Where true capitalists are born. Where the best weed is grown. Lots if hot girls and amazing weather. You should defineltly stop by sometime. The redwood trees are a bonus.
I live in Southern Humboldt aka SoHum
When you take a shit and then while your girlfriend is on her hands and knees, you fuck her in the ass while holding her face down in the toilet.
Guy: Dude last night me and the girl did a southern scuba dive.
Friend: that's nasty man.
When you're rimming someone and they fart in your face.
Hahaha, Joe totally got a Southern Wind last night.
The Pubic celery that lavishly decorated the girth lengthy gonzolite appendage often found south of the equator.
Hey baby, you want a southern mustache ride?
A male sexual appendage, usually in the southern region.
“Hey, Sandy. Have you sipped on that southern straw yet?”
“No, but I will when he comes over tonight.”
After work no teeth blowjob when the guys hasn’t showered all day.
Amy gave Chris a bitter southerner before heading home to shower and hit the happy hours.
French Lands in the Southern and Antartic
Person: Where is French Southern and Antarctic Lands?
Other person: Southern and Antartic