Vanity kids are a less known spin off of Emo and or Scene kids. Although they will deny their stereotype to the bone never confuse them with being emo and especially not scene, they hate it to a tease. Vanity kids have an unusually high level of narcissism riding on their shoulder, wherever they go drama is inevitable. The style of dress they sport is extremely close to that of Emo kids; consisting usually of unflattering amounts of black. Their wardrobe is made up of band t’s, jeans, and sweatshirts, none of witch fit them just right. Vanity kids prefer to drown in their sweatshirts and squeeze into their jeans. Plaid also runs high in their range of clothing, especially pleated skirts. You I’ll never see a vanity kid caught dead with out a pair of beat up vans or creatively colored chuck taylors. Never are their shoes clean, the more scuffed up the better. Vanity kids are all about unusual pieces of jewelry such as, zipper earings. They often wear things that draw attention such as safety pins through their holes or brightly colored neon jewelry. With out some form of piercing a Vanity Kid is incomplete the most common type is a lip ring, more so snakebites. When it comes to their hair, they don’t take pride in anything more. Natural hair color doesn’t exist in the mind of a Vanity kid, they constantly die their hair curious colors like purple or blue, and they change it nearly every few weeks. Side bangs are required but unlike their Emo/Scene look a likes they prefer not to go overboard with their layers. Make up consists merely of thick black eyeliner, light eye shadow, and an unusual mascara color. {such as purple or green} Vanity kids often find music that is unfamiliar to the rest of the world such as Panic! At The Disco, The Hush Sound, And Fall Out Boy, Cute Is What We Aim For, although it was only unknown WHEN they found it. It almost always becomes well known and sells out with in the time kiss fm gets their hands on it. Myspace equals the core reason for a Vanity Kids existence, they will spend hours making it perfect; usually adding things in electric green, blue, pink, and black. {Vanity Kid Colors Of Choice} Vanity kids have unhealthy obsessions with photography and poetry; none of witch is positive. While Vanity Kids try not to fixate on death, it seems to be one of the only concepts floating through their minds. Rarely do they express it through self mutation. Vanity Kids don’t do serious relationships they’d rather undergo drunken hookups with no strings attached. While being conceited they also come off as risqué and if one ever looks you in the eye their intensity will be forever burned in your retinas. Vanity kids often use words suck as stellar or dank. They also thoroughly abuse any phrase containing, scream, hearts, wow, or cunt. Unlike emo or scene kids vanity kids prefer not to travel in packs, but alone or in twos or threes. This is why they are so unknown and usually mistaken for emo or scene kids. You will never see a Vanity kid playing a Nintendo WII, and hardly EVER any new age system; it’s all about the Nintendo N.E.S. While television seems absent from their list of activities most vanity kids get attached to a show at a time. The language of a Vanity Kid derives from the skillful art of sarcasm and negativity. So next time you see an ‘emo’ or ‘scene’ kid take a good hard look because you very well may be looking into the eyes of a Vanity Kid.
There isn't exactly an easy way to exemplify vanity kids. hmm
32👍 7👎
Person who asks for advice, gets it then questions it. A person who brags about the performance of his car which is a combination of old used car, miscellaneous junk yard bits, generally out of date. Also will challenge anyone to a fight if they dis his car or reputation
Your car is not all that, don't be such a kid cougar.
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The kid that always ruins events such as pillow fights and other general rough housing. They always get hit in the eye with the zipper on the pillow and complain, thus ending everyone's fun.
Do you know James Jennings, he is such a pillow kid; yesterday we were playing pretend ninjas and he didn't catch the ninja star I threw at him so it hit him in the eye.
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series of short english live action animations of an orange haired youngster who makes his dads and poor lil sisters life absolute hell. he rides around on his trusty "hydro chopper" doing the filthy things we all find so funny includig having tourettes at his dad an coming up with with his alter ego "captin buggernuts" whos mission is to save the world from the evil Dr arserot.
angry kid is a legend
48👍 12👎
just no matter what it is your doing just do it with pride and honor but dn do it for ur self do it for the future kids,your kid simply DO IT FOR THE KIDS
man1- dude working at mcdonalds 2night SHIT I HATE IT.
man2-bro jst DO IT FOR THE KIDS
man1 your right bro imma do it for the kids of the world
man2-it is what it is
52👍 13👎
The stereotypes of the Internet. They are generally recognized by their horrible grammar and spelling, annoying and disruptive behavior, and huge egos. They can also be recognized by typing in alternating caps(as seen in my example)for entire conversations for no apparent reason. Though they may not even use AOL, this is what the rest of society labels them as.
"hEy gUrL iM A sk8Er bOi aNd iM sTuPiD as hELL cAuSe i cAnt eVeN wRiTe cOrrEcTlY mUcH lEss rEaD mY gRaMMer suks BTW aNd i dUnno wHat pUncUaTioN is OMG LOLOLOLOLZ~~~!!!1 hEy do u hAve tHe neWeSt cd oF tHe bAnd wE luv sO mUcH OMG LOLOLOLOL~~~!!!1 ur cool lolz hEy i g2g ttyl cya byez OMG LOLOLOL~~~!!!1"
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The 90s kids are probably one of the most annoying people on the internet. They constantly do nothing but talk down to other generations and talk about how the how great the 90s were. They tend react aggressively towards anybody claiming to have watched shows such as Rugrats, Rockos Modern life, or Johnny Bravo. However what they don't realise is that all these cartoons as well as things like Vhs tapes carried on into the 2000s therefore children born in 1997,1998, or 1999 were most likely exposed to these things.
Oliver: Dude I haven't seen Rockos Modern Life since I was 4
Mike: Shut up you're not one of then 90s kids So you never watched that show
Oliver: Dumbass it carried over into the 2000s
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