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Star Fox

A Super Nintendo game released in 1993 and developed by Argonaut that was one of the first games to feature the SuperFX chip, a math coprocessor installed in the game cartridge that allowed for primitive 3D graphics. The game spawned a lackluster N64 sequel, as well as becoming something of a game icon to furries everywhere.

I must have spent hours playing the original Star Fox as a kid.

by Gazuga April 10, 2004

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Stands for judgment fox. When you disapprove of someone or something and feel like you wish to judge them, you make a fox with your hand and point it at them. Best when accompanied by a Judge Judy-like stare of pure unadulturated judgment.

Person 1: "Gurrl, I just went and got my stomach pumped at the hospital so I chug some more booze. ROFL!"
Person 2: *J-foxes*

by tpiaswordfish November 21, 2011

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Silky Fox

A pyschotic looking child with odd facial hair. They often have other bodily problems besides crazy hair growth and may require correctional tools (eg. a back brace).

That Silky Fox is creeping me out.

by SilkyFoxIsSexy July 27, 2009

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Grey fox

Snatch that has an advanced age and which public hairs color has faded

I love going to bingo on pursuit of the illusive grey fox. Follow the aspercreame smell we are very close.

by Admiral radman February 8, 2019

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Desert Fox

A member of the military that only talks about getting deployed to "The Desert". Usually gets deployed to a very safe area where enemy fire is hundreds of miles away.

Me: Hey, my name is Montey.

Desert Fox: Oh yeah, well I'll be deploying to the desert soon.

Me: Iraq?

Desert Fox: Nah... some safe base in Kuwait.

by abramm24 March 26, 2009

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a fart! originated by polly continued and spread by her m8s!! mostly used by polly robo viki flo izzy and ric!

'ahh i just foxed!!'

by polly April 7, 2005

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Megan Fox

One of the hottest women in Hollywood...

At the least an extremely hot ass actress that people hate on for that exact reason.

Also a women that most men/boys will never even get close to in person, so they will post salty things about her on Urban Dictionary and all over the internet, when in all reality theyโ€™re just sad MFโ€™s.

So damn sexy.

โ€œDude, sheโ€™s so overrated and sheโ€™s not even hot, sheโ€™ll never be Angelina Jolie.โ€

^Jealous MF

โ€œMan, shut the fuck up, you know you just jealous that youโ€™ll never be able to touch Megan Fox with a 20 foot stick, with her beautiful ass..โ€

^Real MF

by Only_1_king_ July 27, 2021

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