A Highschool drop out, commonly abuses the meta and makes love to furries.
Man that guy dropped out of highschool because he would rather sleep? What a Lane.
This tall,down right sexy big grinned brown eyed Lane is a BIG Country boy. Mudding, Fishing, Camping, Working on his deer lease and hanging with his buddies.
Lane is Sweet, Caring, Outgoing,so much fun to be around and Hard Worker. We are having a bad day a Lane can put a smile on your face.
But watch out!! Lane can be a BIG TIME Smart Ass. Bull Headed, Opinionated and Hard to please. He is strong and loves to work out. Keeps his feelings in, but shows the girl he loves all the love possible.
Lane is a flirt but a gentleman. Romantic and soft hearted. Easily angered. Protective of those he loves.
Goes by the nickname name of Clark Kent or John wayne. Proud owner of a big dick
Lane sure has a huge cock, Ol Chris is sure lucky to have superman as a brother, be a shame to have two midgets in the family.
hottest man alive and holds world record for longest toy ;) 8----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Absoulte sexy beast, cracked at fortnite and dont mess with him unless u wanna be in a sticky situatuion ;)
Lane is Hot
A total savage. He works hard and will never let you down. He is strong and independent. A great friend to depend on he loves a great challenge. If you have a lane for a friend your super lucky.