a term adopted from singer Hayley Kioko (lesbian Jesus) and used to describe singer King princess.
If Hayley Kioko is lesbian Jesus, King princess is Lesbian princess.
a cool lil indie visual novel where you don't slay the princess
Have you seen Slay the Princess yet? I slayed the princess and I got a crayon-drawn congratulations card. Maybe I shouldn't slay the princess.
Going backdoor on a blonde girl
I gave Iggy Azalea a Dutch Princess while watching Kingsmen the movie
waiting on mr perfect. acting like the man she's with is not worth the time she's appearing to be wasting. acting stuck up in relation to the man she's with possibly not being mr perfect
wow she's been princess froggin it with that guy for the last ten minutes lighten up and have a drink. wow if she would stop princess froggin it with guys she might have a chance at not being an old maid
A female peacock spreads her tail feathers in an attempt to give a male peacock the impression that she likes him, when all she's really doing is playing with his mind.
Therese the female peacock, spread her tail feathers out in front of Gerry a male peacock! As Gerry got excited, she walked away, he turned to her and called her a Princess Peacock!
She expects you to open the door, pay for the meal, cater to her every need while repeating her PC woke narratives verbatim, progressively emasculate you, cut off your nuts, and keep them on her bedroom side table. She wants a man to be chivalrous to a certain extent and a.k.a. cis-gender man of the 50s but then wants him similar to emotional and sensitive "Jerry"(Rick & Morty) that can be pulled around on a leash to the ATM and honey-do list items. She will get her cake and eat it, too, groundhog day style.
Shelly loves that Gary is always ready to do her bidding while speaking Woke narratives as the perfect gentleman catering to all her needs while being submissive, sensitive, and emotionally available to take her woke princess onslaught of demands.
when someone leaves the bathroom door open while peeing but continues the conversation
We were having a serious discussion, but she left to be a tinkle princess.