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show bro

This term originated in theatre, coined by the venerable theatre critic Allison Ward. It can refer to a variety of situations involving a bro, but the following are the most common uses of it:

1)A friend who is not really your friend, thus for show

2) a bro in your show, thus a "show bro"

3) a bro who aids your show, whether by working in the crew, or driving you around to obscure prop shops to pick up swords.

4) a bro of whom you are proud, and thus flaunt continually

1) "I though that Karen was my friend, but she just told my secret to everyone!"

"Yup, she's a show bro for sure."

by Dormsalot November 15, 2009

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Show Girl

the girls who go to shows (concerts) not because they really have a passion for the music but becuase they love the guys singing. Usually they have a sick obsession with a band member and say they are marryd, they dress like there a rock star and always have ipods in there pocket playing a song thats on hold and have ear phones in on ear

Show Girl Sandra: omfg shitty rock star guy name here is so fucking hot i love him with my life omfg we are married

by The Cannon man August 5, 2008

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show queers

A disparaging term describing Twinsburg High School's award-winning show choir, usually voiced by a student who complains about everything and yet does absolutely nothing: in other words, a typical Twinsburg student.

The Great Expectations show choir is critically acclaimed and directed by Nancy Slife.

sarcastically Oh look, it's the show queers. They were on the news again. Aren't they so wonderful?

by Malcolm X May 31, 2008

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show tunes

to imply that a male may not be heterosexual.

That guy is so show tunes.

by Buddy September 29, 2003

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Meat Show

The vibrant iratic movement in which one male flashes his genitalia in a swift, slap-like motion. Usually performed for/to sluts like Britney Spears. The meat show can be a gesture of mating, or can be used to disgrace another mans small juevos.

That meat show I performed last night started with some good old ecstasy, and ended with me humping a dead moose. I really don't remeber what happened, but I could say, that using my meat stick, I cohersed to moose to mate, and then slapped him with it, in a stab-like movement, Ending the mooses tragic life. I then skinned him, and wore him as a coat......

Im still wondering where I got this fucking sweet coat. I don't know. It's warm. This is just a wild guess, but I'm very sure, I pounded that moose poon, or was it Britney Spears?

by M.C. Irving January 31, 2009

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Rodeo Show

Just as you begin to have sex with a girl you tell her you have A.I.D.S. and you try to stay in her as long as possible, like a rodeo.

"Ooh babe this feels good"
"there is something i have to tell you"
"mmm anything"
"i have AIDS"
"YEEHAW, Rodeo Show baby"

by enormocock May 25, 2009

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Clown Show

A hockey player who sucks and puts on a show while on the ice.

1) Celebrates a goal in a shit show
2) Instigates a fight and gets his ass kicked
3) Chirps oppossing team when his own team is getting romped

Sentence- 15 is such a clown show after celebrating a goal in a 10-2 game

by Alexander Ovechkin October 30, 2007

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