TikTok an app that gets kids addicted, famous, and lazy
Umm, a place where people listen to cringe but also do cringe!
I’m TikTok famous sksksksksk
The reason why 70% of the population is cringe
Friend 1: Charlie finally changed her profile picture!!!
Friend 2: dnc
Friend 1: I'm going to make charlie edits on tiktok now
Friend 2: bruh
Cancer i cant stop watching
(also frog and gay tiktok are best dont @ me)
Person one: Hey what's up?
Person two: Not now im watching tiktok
Person one: Its been two weeks Jonh. Please, i miss you
Person two (Jonh): Not now im watching tiktok
*two weeks more*
Doctor: im affraid Jonh didint make it
Prson one: *cries*
F i n
TikTok is an addict for lonely/ try hard middle and high schoolers. Once you watch a couple TikToks on the fyp you can’t stop watching them and end up spending the whole day scrolling through TikToks
an app that makes you hesitate whether to scroll up or down
I'm so horny - better get on Tiktok for some Wap dances!
another definition of CTRL+C CTRL+V
Guy1: What is TikTok
Guy2: Definition of CTRL+C CTRL+V