An individual who's primary task is to create and manage online memes
Our online campaign needs to get noticed, do you know any meme smiths?
Could someone speak to marketing today, the meme smith you hired is useless. None of their memes are sticking...
Spending time and effort curating a thought or series of thoughts.
Husband: "I am thinking about building the kids a treehouse."
Wife: "We don't have any suitable trees and you are not very good at construction."
Husband: "I know, I am thought-smithing the idea to find a viable solution."
a highschool in carrollton, texas where only the students that didn’t get into anywhere else with their dumbass brains that should be going to a mental hospital instead go to. their IBA program actually stands for International Booty-Kissing Academy. their drill team sucks ass and their personalities do too. to get in the top 10% you just need to yell at teachers and sleep in class.
“i just had my 3rd kid at 20”
“oh damn who’s the dad”
“oh they’re all from different baby daddies”
“you went to newman smith?”
a high school in carrollton texas who’s mascot is a condom brand. rivals with turner high down the street.
0/10 school and full of druggies
guy 1: yeah i go to newman smith
guy 2: oh shit man, u got sum condoms then?
party house. theres always scrumpy in the fridge (and the shower), gin on the top self and random foreign people in the bedrooms. You go there to drink/play fuck off round europe/dress up with your friends in the week ends (or durin the week too) and stay over on sunday to do nothin but cure your hangover with your friends
- Wot your doin on saturday nite bro ?
- dunno, i might go to Freds house, it sounds like fun !
- You're kiddin me ? This house is a fuckin Smith street !!! can I come too ?
A rancid and cretinous mound of blue waffle. Can't help but reference it's trivial psychology degree. Completely full of shit, hated by all.
Can I spread eagle for inspection, I think I have Helen Smith?
Check my anus dude, I think I have H.
Make my swamp great again!
I'm is education, my iq 85, itz good.
A person who loves the odd snort of ketamine
How much “lewis smith” have u got on you