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wayne is acting like a woMAN

by Alexander smith June 21, 2022


An annoying cheating Liar.

Wayne is a bitch..No more explanation needed

by udkme. May 5, 2022


There are two types of the man who has this name. The are polar opposites.

The first type is law abiding. He is an honerable & genuine person who has always thought of his future and has saved money for his early retirement at 55.

Because he has always treated himself in a healthy manner, his looks have not changed from the age of 30 to 55.

The second type is very loud, extremely good at lying, manipulating & bullying. This type always has an alcoholic drink in hand or waiting by the front door of the closest liquor store, in anticipation of the door being unlocked so he can keep his buzz uninterrupted. He will have a long criminal record mostly for being drunk or high and not thinking about the consequences of his actions.

As type two ages, he will not be as social as he was when he was younger. He will lose his youthful smile, thick dark hair and huge biceps.

Type two, has he has never thought of saving a dime. He only knows the “spending money like a drunken roughneck” way of life. He has never paid a dime in spousal support so he can’t go to his ex for money anymore. He steals money from his adult children, by borrowing but never returning the borrowed money. Feeling like a loser, this type will move to a different state in order to be away from the people who know him and his toxic way of life.

1) You have had your house paid for since you were 30? You are a type one Wayne Cooke.
2) All you own is in your old rusted up 4 door car? But you used to make $10,000 every month! Oh, I see now, you are the second type of Wayne Cooke.

by Karmahutsdonit May 15, 2023


is a masculine name meaning Handsome

That gay is wayne

by andresBisaya May 3, 2023


Wayne is the name given to a boy.

Wayne went to the store

by Delineator November 24, 2021


Wayne is always sleeping, he eats food all the time, has a funny laugh and is annoying, he has a good sense of humor and gets no bitches also hes annoying asf

: must be wayne

by zxhrarr February 28, 2022

wayne hills hs

smelly place filled with a bunch of spoiled whores. dykes run around the place looking for other lesbo bitches. these spoiled high class hoes think theyre the shit when in reality, most of them have daddy issues. the boys there arent even men, most of there balls havent even dropped and the max theyre packing is 3 fucking inches. the boys treat the girls like shit and act like theyre batman. its immature. ur in highschool, grow the fuck up. the teachers there are all pedophiles and want to get into there students pants. this includes mr grogaard, mr krauze, and mr porta. these men are all disgusting and stare and manipulate theyre girl students. have you heard what happened last year? a senior girl went to her pedophile teachers house to "babysit" his kids when in reality they were getting in on in his bedroom! she wasnt using him for a better grade, she just couldnt pull any bitches so she went and fucked a 50 year old man instead.

person 1: oh u go to wayne hills hs? *spits on them*

person 2: what!!!?????

person 1: fuck u and fuck ur middle class school

by fuckhoes$4206969 January 17, 2024