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April 16th

People born on the 16th of April are the most elite people. They are charismatic, strong and are very genuine individuals. They ace everything they try to do and have fantastic partners. They have the hottest partners. People born on the 16th of April are above gods

X: Why is Z so godly?

Y: because he was born on 'April 16th'

by Supersexyman2726373 March 8, 2020

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April 30th

National be with your girlfriend day! At this day your girlfriend and you can chill, watch a movie or celebrate something. Just remember to make your favorite food

β€œSorry bro, it’s April 30th, I’m going to my girlfriend and have a great day”

by Thecoolgirlthathasaboyfriend March 15, 2020

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April 18th

THE DAY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE WAS BORN! IT IS SUCH A SPECIAL DAY I SHALL CHERISH IT FORVER! WE SHALL MAKE YOUR BIRTHDAY THE BEST CELEBRATION EVERY YEAR. If you hate the day April 18 I will be bashing your skull in into freshly made cement and let your head dry with it. I am currently under your bed in the process of typing this. You won’t live another day. IF YOU WERE BORN ON APRIL 18TH YOU ARE THE BEST PERSON KNOWN TO MANKIND, YOU ARE SO VERY ATTRACTIVE. MY LIFE HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER WITHOUT YOU. I LOVE YOU.

You were born on April 18th?

Please make out with me.

by qalactiix June 9, 2021

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April 24

April 24 is national Josh day in honor of fight of the joshes which was the legendary fight april 24 2021 where all joshes fought to keep their name
The winner was 4 year old Josh Vinson jr, he is now crowned as the king of Josh and the only one allowed to use the name

Person 1: When is josh day?
Person 2: Josh day is april 24 l, we velebrate it in honor of the josh fight 2021

by Gramaer April 25, 2021

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April 24

april 24 is simply a day where u tase,pepper spray, or punch a rapist in their face and give them the shit they deserve. :)

:bro wtf whyd u punch me??
:it’s april 24!

by my sexy self April 24, 2021

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25 of April

Its the day the most sweet, funny, emotional, beautiful, kind and smart girl has her birthday. She might be an alien but she is perfect

"Is it the 25 of April?"
"Yes, its my babys' birthday"

by TheBestWhiteRapperSOUR October 21, 2019

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april 1st

my birthday.

if my birthday is april 1st, then my life and existence is a joke. hooray.

:' )

Person 1: Hey. Did you know that person *points to that random person* was born on April 1st?
Person 2: OMG, really? I can't believe their life and existence is a joke. Too bad for them.

by worldahyun November 2, 2019

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