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noush bag

someone who is fun to hang out with, always a good time. noush bags don't need alcohol to have fun, but rather rely on their "witty" sense of humor to remain endearing to their companions. abundantly entertaining, a noush bag's only downfall is its fundamentalist and zealous moral standards, and their propensity to become verbose and complicate communication by carefully complicating their syntax. noush bags are generally attractive.

"my girlfriend was being such a noush bag at that Degrassi party last night"

by stephen j.j. dedalus August 5, 2009

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Gag Bag

a white boy who vapes, is in AV club, or skateboards. would be a soft boi if he wasn’t so gag.

β€œi think that guy on the baseball team is super cute!”
β€œyeah but he’s such a gag bag”

by bcullers March 26, 2019

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Cleft Bag

any mild deformity of the scrotum particularly accented by an excessively stunted midline fibrous septum

Jim's shyness around women arouse from what he felt is a deformed bag, which his doctor called a "cleft bag"

guy1: Jim's got a fuicked up bag
guy2: what you mean? from an accident or sumthin?
guy1: no it's a cleft bag
guy2: what that?
guy1: kind of like Joaquin phoenix except on your bag

by tjspoker2 December 11, 2012

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One who acts like Fred Durst. They often use the middle finger to show you how they feel about you.

Chad is such a Durst-bag.

by itisnotme April 8, 2011

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house bag

one whom is dedicated to staying in the house all day, providing for their family. They are often found in the kitchen, cleaning, or folding laundry

a stay at home mom or "house bag"

by gangsta T69 April 7, 2009

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bag of twat

A person who has no friends due to the fact that they are always being extra in their school work. Mostly used to describe an annoying "overachiever".

Uh, this dude is so extra, he's totally being a bag of twat right now. No wonder he has no friends.

by Un-overachiever December 17, 2016

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tool bag

a loser jerk off that thinks they are cooler than they actually are. they think they are the focus of everyone's attention or are better than everyone when in fact they are not. they try too hard, get smuts with diseases, have diseases, and are used like tools

the entire frat of pi lam at Widener University in Chester, PA

by beat up rapists at pi lam September 15, 2003

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