When a guy and a girl are having sexual intercourse, and the man pulls out and ejaculates around the girl's vagina.
"Girl, I love seasoning your bagel."
The form cats take when powering up to take over the world, usually noticeable by the h o l e in the middle. However, they sit on their lazy asses and not do it, and sleep.
Awww.... look at that cat in a Cat Bagel...
When all the icing on a donut gets peeled off by the bag, so it's basically just a bagel now.
I went & got donuts & put 1 in a bag to take home, but I opened the bag only to find out that now it's just a bagel.
Erin Bagel is a rapper who likes to eat bagels.
Erin Bagel sang a song called "The boy's a liar".
An asshole that as absurd of hair
Did you see Tyler’s fluffy bagel? He needs to start waxing
Gay guy 1: Oh man I can’t wait to ravage your rainbow bagel!!!!
Gay guy 2: Oh hurry home babe!!!
Adjective: When you orally consume ass from a person(s) who are infected with the covid 19 virus.
"Dude, she has the rona. Don't be a taint bagel"