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Bucket Slut

A girl who steals multiple hearts from guys while she is obviously in a relationship with someone else.

Kara: Ooh, I can't stand her.

Martha: Why not?

Kara: She's such a bucket slut, look at what she does to the guys.

Martha: That sausage rubbing bucket slut.

by AsparagusGlenda. December 24, 2010

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Bucket Kid

Also known as a bad kid (Def. 3) or just simply "b.k.".
Someone who is not good at a particular video game.
Used in online play to describe usually younger, bad players.

"What a bucket kid!"

"That 'Jabadapollard' kid is such a b.k.!"

by Amplified Silence February 17, 2009

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bucket method

When a short man has sex with a tall woman, he stands on a bucket. When the man is ready to ejaculate, the woman kicks the bucket from under the man.

We practice contraception by using the bucket method.

by Randango September 6, 2006

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Bucket Head

A welder someone who works with a bucket on their head
normally pre-madonnas that like to suck dick
-usually some one with no sense of decency
-also see window licker
-someone to keep away from your kids

-someone who likes looking at little blue lights for hours on end

Dave put a bucket on his head and was given a welders ticket it was lucky that he liked to suck cock and whinge like a little bitch
his parents disowned him because he was a Bucket Head

by hardcore scaff February 13, 2010

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Shit Bucket

A guy who is extremely whipped over a female to the point if she had to take a shit on the spot,he would grab a bucket and catch it for her.

Jimmy: Did you hear about Luke?
Pedro: No, why?
Jimmy: Jane asked him to buy her lunch and do her homework again!
Pedro: Did he do it?
Jimmy: Yes!
Pedro: Luke is such a Shit Bucket!

by FloodedFloors August 28, 2010

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Chum Bucket

A popular rock band in the TV Family channel series "The Weekenders" known for their random and unpronounceable lyrics.

"Safused Elephant Quaft Exsasperator is my favorite Chum Bucket song!" yelled Tino.

by Tyler Macks April 16, 2008

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fuck buckets

Extremely useful exclamation that can be interpreted in many ways. Are you speaking of buckets that one fucks in... buckets that help the act of fucking... buckets that one fucks... or are you simply exclaiming your hatred towards those buckets... as in "fuck buckets... they always have holes in them!" The answer is: NO ONE KNOWS. You can mean it however you want, and no one even has to know!


"oh fuck buckets..."

"I'm so stressed! fuck fuck fuck FUCK BUCKETS!"

by roachy November 27, 2007

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