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A possibly real possibly fake existince it was created by man trying to explain things like weather, the sun, and a bunch of other things. There are many different gods for many different religions. Most likely man created god and they will belive in anything for closer .

Guy 1: god is real god is great
Guy 2: god is fake just like how 2pok hiding in Cuba is fake.

by Sorry for being a dick March 29, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


God is what some people believe to be the creator of everything. He is apparently Of similar appearance to us, at least according to the bible. The bible also mentions god's son, Jesus and the conditions on which he was born. The bible tells that he preached the word of god, and was crucified for what he did.

There are many Controversies as to what god's name is, but It basically varies per religion.

When people pray, it is usually to God.

by Thin eyes October 27, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


a great and all-mighty god who created the earth and all its creatures at the beginning of time. Loves His children with unfailing love. Is a god who provides, loves, and cares. Listens to prayers and answers them at the perfect time. He speaks to His children through His Word, other people, songs, experiences, dreams, etc. He gives His children tests and obstacles to make them a stronger person and to test their faith. Provides life-changing experiences and just knowing Him changes you as a whole. He's a god that is always good and is always trustworthy. He speaks to you constantly and watches over you always. He always has a plan for everyone and has something in store for you. He does everything for a reason so nothing in life is random. God is good all the time. All the time, God is good.

"God told me that He has a plan for me."
"I'm going to church today to meet God."
"In my prayers, I talked to God about my day today."
"God answered my prayers and spoke to me today."

by Jeremiah 23:19 March 22, 2009

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An invisible man in the sky, believed to be brought into human form...on top of a hill...when no one was around.

Christian freak-"I was saved by God!"
Normal Person-"Are you sure? I mean, did he touch you with his holy hands. THAT DONT EXIST?"

by haley666 March 9, 2007

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Those most misunderstood being.

Christian: My God is the one true God. He's his own father and son. See, I'm obviously cooler than you guys because I can grasp that concept.

Jew: Fakakta!

Buddhist: We are all God. We are all Buddha.

Hindu: Well, we're pantheists, but we represent the one true name as having multiple avatars, or manifestations, so people think we're polytheists. We're not.

Moslem: Ayallluahee! You are all infidels and must die. But, being righteous, so must I. You know, virgins *poke, poke*.

Atheist: Fuck god!

Me (sighing): You're all wrong...

by HazyKushen April 9, 2010

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A figure above all others. He is loving and compassionate and is great. :)

Dear God, thank you for this wonderful day.

by iamafollwer April 4, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A heavenly being who guides us and protects us. Also used as an expression which takes his holy name in vain.

God is the protector of everyone.

by pseudonym February 15, 2005

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