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A obnoxious cop with a very large "ego" who is nothing but a waste of space in the police district. These low lives would rather stuff their faces with donuts at a nearby krispy creme or take a nice stroll into the neighborhood and arrest anyone for just about anything than perform their jobs properly. They enjoy harrassing citizens instead of helping them in a time of need. They are very adament about one's situation. Also dubbed as "donut eating bastards."

Cop: Let's see here...who can i harrass today? *officer targets a bunch of teens chatting* Cop: *shouts out window* Go home to your fucking mother! It's curfew! *cop drives off* Girl: It's 4:00 pm you stupid rent-a-cop!!!

by xnamidax November 1, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

cop or drop

Gay ass hyperbeasts say it

It means buy it or leave it

Sup faggot should i cop or drop these yeezys?

by Thosenuts July 11, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cop Killer

A Natty light

Bros unite, get rowdy and drink some fucking cop killers!

by Porcupine Cup May 21, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

cop a feel

Refers to a horny police officer's using a "frisk" ('cuz he's feeling "frisky") as a selfish/shameless opportunity to "sample the merchandise" on an attractive fellow human.

If you're an extra-cute lady and you're not doing anything wrong while you're out driving, don't worry too much if you get puled over --- most likely the officer just wants to cop a feel. Same deal with a "frisk" or a "pat-down", as well... the lust-crazed "dirty old man with a badge" is feeling "frisky", and so he wants to "pat" you "down there".

by QuacksO November 23, 2018

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Cop the Slo

To receive oral sex

Yo when you took out that hoochie did you cop the slo?

by E November 23, 2003

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

cop tag

refers to any instance where two or more police cars are seen following each other at a high speed with sirens on and lights flashing.

Dan: "Is that policeman trying to pull over another officer?"
Laura: "No, they're just playin' cop tag."

by lra3487 October 23, 2010

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Pocket Cop

A slightly smaller cop who has a big attitude.

That "pocket cop" was such a jerk.

by Harley MuthaFukin Quinn November 4, 2020

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