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Down Good

When your extremely unhorny and have been for a long time.

"Keep your eye on John he's hasn't been talking with anyone for months now, I knew he was down good."

by Definer Andy January 18, 2021

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Scarf Down

To tastelessly stuff your face with food.

Whenever you eat Mexican, you inherently scarf down your food.

by Shabbybear January 10, 2015

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the get down

a show with POC and LGBT rep and deserves another season unlike 13 Reasons Why that's a stand alone book bitch

Watch The Get Down for Dizzee and Thor

by a7ahhh May 18, 2017

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Going down

The various acts you want to do to your girl

Oh, what I would give to go down on Johanna
I tried going down on my girl, it was amazing

by Yeetuss May 23, 2019

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down shirting

when you look down a girls shirt when nobody's looking

dude, were you just down shirting my girlfriend

by ploikm August 31, 2008

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gary downs

A term used to describe a really nerdy but awesome teacher.

Bob: Did you go to the Gary Downs' class today?
Steve: Yeah, it was hilarious. He made all these bad jokes.

by billyjo jim bob May 24, 2008

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cunt it down

Used when you really need to tell someone (guy OR girl) to TONE DOWN their bitchy self-righteous attitude.

Bitch: you really need to apologize to me NOW. no, really right now! why are you being such a jerk, blah blah blah.... i hate you.... don't talk to me like that. are you listening to me?!


by renzTHE July 31, 2010

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