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donkey fucker

To Joe Quesada.

Joe Quesada is a donkey fucker

by Bill Jemas January 28, 2004

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bitch fucker

one who fucks bitches

yo, that girl in the next room is a real bitch fucker

by raul ramon ramirez October 17, 2005

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Sister fucker

95% of the people that don't live in a city

Not all truck drivers are sister fuckers but all sister fuckers are truck drivers

by treeman7 May 24, 2018

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Cheap fucker

One who uses generic condoms.

Man1: I heard John is so poor he vulcanizes his used rubbers!
Man2: Yeah,he`s such a cheap fucker.

by Hornel February 4, 2009

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de fucker

A person who can always find a solution to a large mistake

You have just made a huge mistake and you are wondering who could help you solve it, you need a de fucker

by KONG January 6, 2006

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Fairy Fucker

1. A really, really homosexual male.
2. An otherwise straight man who gives it to a homosexual man in the butt- not because he's gay, but because he's just desperate to pump his semen into Fairy Fucker in this case would signify the "giver", not the "taker". The receiving person would be known as the "Fairy Fuckee".
3. A far more colorful way to call someone an idiot. (Simply replace the word "gay" with "fairy fucker" in your pleasant day-to-day conversations at the water cooler)

Fairy-Fucking (ex: a gay dance teacher = a fairy-fucking dance teacher)

Fairy Fuck, (past tense: fairy fucked)

This phrase came about because a "fairy" is a well-known vernacular for a gay dude, and, when this fairy decides to fuck, it is, well, really gay.

See also: rainbow rammer

Stan: My stupid fairy-fucking teacher, Mr. Brown, gave me an F on my homework assignment!

Martin: Well, that's what you get when you write an essay that's titled "A history of Fairy Fuckers: The Mr. Brown story"

Stan: Yea, he probably didn't like the part where I went into detail about catching him on tape spanking it behind his desk after school.

Martin: Eww! You really caught him??

Stan: No, but if he has ever spanked it after hours, he now thinks I've got some awesome blackmail material to get him with.

Billy: Wanna come with me to the Gay Pride Parade?

Andy: Hell yea! I'm never one to miss a fairy-fucking fuck fest!

by Barlow! January 3, 2009

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Music fucker

A musician who is only into music for the money and fame.
Music+Money fucker

That John is a music fucker.

by Deep blue 2012 September 17, 2009

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