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Hitler god

The god that fundamentalist worship that is not the true God of the bible because the bible was not meant to b e taken literally.
Hitler god sends anyone to hell to be tortured forever if they are not fundimentalist like themselves.
The term Hitler denotes the cruelity of there god.

why do fundamentalist believe in Hitler god?

by Deep blue 2012 September 16, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

adolf hitler

Adolf hitler was a minecraft porn star in the late 1980's.

"Did you see the new adolf hitler's new minecraft porno?"

by gaborn May 7, 2018

15๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

adolf hitler

A hypocrite for killing jews (he was half jewish) claiming everyone that didnt have fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes was a jew (he had brown hair and brown eyes) and for being possible the most "nationalist" for Germany (even though he was Austrain).

Tommy is so hypocritical he might as well be called Adolf Hitler!

by Rox-ay April 29, 2006

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hitler youth

A term invented by my grandfather for the Civil Air Patrol. This term is derrived from the fact that CAP members go around in Camo uniforms marching, resembling the teenagers trainde by Nazis during WWII.

So Josh, you going to your hitler youth group meeting tonight? Ja. (german for yesget it?{If you don't too bad, stupid})

by Josh March 15, 2005

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ID Hitler

A stupid fuck that always ID's you every single fuckin time, even though they have seen your ID.

What took so long?

I was buying smokes, and that fuckin ID Hitler asked me for my ID again

by Rob Van Winkle June 27, 2017

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Underhanded Hitler

Named for the motion as well as the signature Hitler mustache the motion creates, this euphemism involves an underhanded "zig heil" arm movement with an end result on your significant other having a Hitler 'stache.

Said to your friends at work in an extremely roundabout way:

"While we were experimenting with the glitter sack the previous day, I am currently trying to surprise her with an Underhanded Hitler."

by The Other B Money November 7, 2008

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Hitler Fucked

Used to describe something that is more fucked up then the time Chuck Norris Told Hitler he hated the juice that was served and Hitler hearing something completely different

Friend 1: what do you call a nigger in a clan convention?
Friend 2: IDK, what?
Friend 1: Bob Marley
Friend 2: My Dude, Thats Hitler Fucked.

by HitlerFucked69 December 28, 2022

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