Means that you didn’t have contact to a girl since you was born.
„Bro you better holding 4 fingers up“
You a pimP
Holding up four fingers:Just Throw it up in every picture stAmp
National hold hands day is november 13 when couple hold hands for as long as possible for the entire day
Boy:its national hold hands day
Girl:let's hold hands
On October 25, It is a day where you hold you crush or bf/gf hand
“Omg it’s national hold hands day with your crush or bf/gf “
Shoving your own head up your ass and clenching
Listening to Cardi B made me want to put myself in a San Francisco Sleeper Hold
Langston and kendall were holding up 4 fingers in that picture. they must get hoes
Holding up 4 fingers is a way of saying that you are very ass at pulling some fucking bitches witch means I win the contest
I was holding up 4 fingers and stuck it in her ass.