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No homo wizard

A person with the power to bless anyone with the 24 hour no homo pass

A kid on the bus was a no homo wizard and he blessed me now I can do anything gay and I will still be straight for 24 hours.

by Yeetmaster06 September 9, 2019

Homo Romo

When Homo Romo gets Angry he turns into an Windmil and starts fighting people for no reason.

Homo Romo is not a good person in bed he just wants underaged girls.

When Homo Romo is near you should run!

by Homo Romo fear December 11, 2019

homo it out

1) When you wanna get things straightened out but the situation calls for flamboyance or sensitivity of a homosexual nature.

2) The act of clearing up sexual orientation misunderstandings by way of your preferred coming out method.

1) Steve: "Man, I think Brad is pissed at me for screwing Stephanie at that frat party."

Jude: "That sucks, brah."

Steve: "Yeah, man, but don't worry. We'll homo it out."

2) Julie: "Hey, Jake, so I heard Emma is totally into you."

Jake: "Oh boy, I guess I'll take Spencer along next time, just to homo things out."

by nyaningthroughspace May 13, 2013

Homo erectus

French for a gay man’s penis
Homo erectus (meaning 'upright man') were a species of archaic humans from the Pleistocene, earliest occurrence about 2 mya. They are proposed to be the direct ancestors to several human species, such as H. heidelbergensis, H. antecessor, Neanderthals, Denisovans, and modern humans.34 As a chronospecies, the time of its disappearance is thus a matter of contention or even convention. There are also several proposed subspecies with varying levels of recognition.

Wow that’s a huge homo erectus

by Cum bare fly March 20, 2020

Homo Erectus

1. Some early human group with ape like heads and used fire, stone tools, and very likely could speak.

They are NOT Neanderthals, even though they had the eyebrow ridge and bigger jaws thing going on.

1. These Homo Erectus humans might've interbred with early Homo Sapiens, and they lasted for a million years.

by happyatcommonsense December 4, 2017

Homo Kryptonite

A belt or any blunt object used to beat a person showing signs of being a homosexual in an attempt to "scare them straight"

(a Boy George Music Video airs on TV)

"Dad, when I grow up I want to marry that pretty singer. She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen!"

*Dad whips son with a belt*

"Her first name is BOY, dillweed! Now come back here! This is HOMO KRYPTONITE, SON!"

by wolfpacleader1986 January 5, 2012

homo shine

Closet gay, usually elderly man with great style. Usually with dapper style and/or beard. Notable for shiny scalp with sheen.

Joe: Damn he got dat swagg.
Moe: He may act str8 but he homo shine.

by killuminati_cho June 5, 2011