2020 was going to be a year of excitement and anticipation, until Covid-19 stole our dreams and hopes.
2020- (twinny-twinny) (adj) - To simply be immersed in bad luck, anger, grief, or misfortune. (2.) A bad mood or aura.
1. You lost the game so now you acting all 2020), Chill out.
2. Man I dropped my money, Im so 2020 right now!
3. This funeral is just too 2020 (twinny-twinny) for me.
Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year. this year is horrible the worst year ever.
the worst year ever.nothing good has happened. Did the world give up. The coronavirus pandemic, riots, and all that dumb stuff. Thus has been the worst year yet.
I thought 2020 was gonna be a good year, I was wrong.
1. The end of all hope.
2. The beginning of the revelation
3. Sheer misery
The 2020-effect brought me to very bad times.
2020 will surely lead to fire
Something that's terribly 'messed up', destructive, and unexpected with horrible consequences. A modern version of 'Murphy's Law'.
The year all future students MUST learn about. The headaches and textbook highlighting will make them cry.
Jared: Did you finish your history unit about 2020?
Emily: no, but I'm going crazy with all the highlighting I have to do