the perfect match and ones that will always find a way to be together
I wish i had a relationship like Ashley Julian. they seem so happy all time it's annoying
The act in which someone who is under 16 years of age drives a car on public roads
"Woah man, Did you hear George was Pulling A Julian this weekend in his 1994 British Racing Green NA' Miata?"
Sexiest motherfucker alive
That guy isn't giving Julian Comeau vibes at all
When Julian Comeau finds out he's Julian Comeau, he's probably gonna blush!
Giiirrrrllll, you are giving Julian Comeau vibes
One of the fastest track athletes of all time.
Timmy: Dang Carl, did you see him run by?
Carl: yep. That right there is a speedy Julian.
the couple everybody loves, a healthy relationship and 2 of the best looking people around<3
q: who’s your favourite couple?
a: alyssa and julian !!
Julian David Cope (born 21 October 1957) is an English musician, writer, antiquarian, social activist and cosmic shaman, best known as the lead singer of the Liverpool post-punk/neo-psychedelic band The Teardrop Explodes. He likes obscure psychedelic bands, comics, hallucinogens, neolithic culture, heathenism, swimming with dolphins, bananas, Helen Mirren, toy cars, Barbies and his wife Dorian. He dislikes bigotry, rudeness and being called whimsical. He believes himself to be hatable but is in fact one of the most loveable musicians due to his honesty, thoughtfulness and endearing weirdness.
Person A: I love Julian Cope! His music is so joyful and melancholy at the same time. He describes some of the most complex states of the human mind with such ease, honesty and vulnerability. Nobody, to my knowledge, has captured that feeling of simultaneous peacefulness, yearning and isolation quite so well in their music. He is truly special to me. His political songs are also worth mentioning, as is his authenticity and complete dedication to the things he loves, and his hair.
Person B: Julian Cope? Isn't that the guy who posed for an album cover wearing nothing but a giant tortoise shell?
Person A: Yeah...
He is kinda of shy but when you get to know him he is really protective; he has an interesting of expressing himself but still he is an amazing person that when you get to know him you’ll never be bored. Also he has an angry resting face but when you get to see his smile he is really cute. Another thing is thing is that he will joke a lot around.
Person 1:hey have you ever talk with José Julián? He kinda looks angry all the time.
Person 2:Yes, I have talked with Jose julian; he does looks angry but he actually I really funny when you get to know him.