Source Code

Mason High School

See the unicorn and the lion

This one is pretty self explainable

by J*Money April 18, 2005

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Mason Morixbauer-Wheeler

Mason is a tall bloke with a large resemblance to your average American pedophile. what's worse is that he has the habits of one too. Mason loves to touch young children, especially on public transport, while recording it. This man also LOVES driving past all the local schools to survey the area. the abuse of alcohol in his life is not uncommon. this ultimately leads to a deadly combination of his bloodlust and his favourite whiskey (the wife beater 9000)

person 1: I really pulled a Mason Morixbauer-Wheeler this afternoon when my wife crashed the car.
Person 2: A Mason?
Person 1: Yeah, a Mason Morixbauer-Wheeler

by The Hugest Cock42069 May 4, 2022

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Mason Classical Academy

This is a school in Naples, it makes you fairly depressed. Nobody who goes there likes it except for NeRdS.

Mason Classical Academyโ€™s teachers are super annoying and nosy but anyways itโ€™s sucks ass

by Blueberry Socks January 22, 2019

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Mason Aj Baker

You are a 10 year old boy, who goes to school. You are happy and you like pokemon.

"Hello!" said Mason Aj Baker

by MasonBak3r413 June 10, 2022

Kick a mason day

A day hwere you can kick people called mason!

Oh shit- i forgot its kick a mason day!

by Jenna bulionp October 15, 2020

Pink Mason Jar

A Mason Jar that an Onlyfans Girl has farted in... Sold, Sealed and shipped Priority Mail. Its extra if you put sprinkles in it.

Man 1: Dude I hope Colleen Had some spicy Tacos for my Pink Mason Jar, extra beans.
Pedro: Me too Man.
20 minutes Later:

Man 1: Okay ill Only sniff half the jar...
(Man 1 sniffs the jar.)
Man 1:Wow there extra beans im sorry i sniffed the whole jar i couldnt help it, that was spicy.
Pedro: Its okay man ill eat the sprinkles

by PontunePoonFloater November 1, 2022

Mason-Dixon Snowstorm

A sexual act, consisting of brushing dandruff from your pubic hair onto a girls face after she has finished giving you a blowjob.

Frank: "How did your date last night go?"
Paul: "Man, it was awesome! We went back to my double wide, and she let me give her a Mason-Dixon Snowstorm!"

by ShopMonkey March 10, 2022