Source Code

Sniper Noob

An annoying player who excessevely use the sniper rifle as primary weapon.

*Jim AWM John*
John: :|
Jim: Are you frustrated because I pwned you again?
John: Shut up you sniper noob.

(later on)

*Jim D-Eagle John*
John: Why didn't you use sniper rifle again to kill me?
Jim: Because it sucks in close combat.
John: You see, that's why snipers are for noobs ... sniper noob!

by I am not from America December 28, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Facebook noob

One who is generally new to facebook or acts noobish on Facebook. This person usually joins numerous random groups and pages, totaling way over 500, frequently coping other facebookers, asks for help in terms of how to use their facebook and many other ways

Facebook Noob: I have a question about my facebook


Facebook Noob: How do I check the groups I'm in?

John: Go to the info tab

Facebook Noob: Thanks

John: HOLY SHIT, Your in 1300 groups? Wow your such a Facebook noob.

by AZN2374 December 1, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Twitch Noob

A twitch noob is a competitive gamer that bashes Team Fortress 2 public server players, and boasts about how 6 vs 6 (aka Twitch Fortress 2) is much better. These players complain about how they keep getting owned by Heavies, Pyros, Spys and Engineers, and ask for nerfs of these classes on Steam forums. When their obviously just noobs who refuse to adapt too Team Fortress 2's intended gameplay.

Bobby thought he would own everyone when he played sniper in Team Fortress 2, but found out that he is a twitch noob.

by Burn Mar-a-Lago April 6, 2009

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noob metal

Tacky, shitty metal that stretches numerous subgenres of metal. It's been overplayed too much and is only liked by people with deplorable taste in metal. They claim the bands are among the greatest in metal, but realize that their taste is too noobish to be acceptable.

Dragonforce, Avenged Sevenfold, post-Black Album Metallica, Blessthefall, all screamo, Bullet for my Valentine and the like are all perfect examples of noob metal.

by Nithron June 28, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bedless Noob

Maw Health Fanboy Who loves his fans almost as much as he loves maw.

damm that mans pulling a bedless noob

by Maw Health June 3, 2020

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

rocket noob

In a video game (usually a shooter) one who uses a rocket launcher (to score cheap kills) when they could use any other weapons.

John: He was such a rocket noob. He killed me thirty times with the rocket launcher!

by noobslayer92 March 31, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Noob Cannon

A sore losers lame excuse for being killed by a powerful weapon

The developers see no problems in these weapons, because if they had, they would've taken it out, now wouldn't they?

Common Noob Cannon Arsenal

CSS - Arctic Warfare Magnum AWP

CoD4 - M203/A1/PI Grenade launcher

CSS - Sig SG550 Sniper or G3/SG1

by Mcfinnegan August 20, 2008

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