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goblin noodles

Goblin noodles is a definition given to the mult dimintional being of mary she,ιt,they is a sentiencial being that brings bad luck to itself everytine it farts and at the same time sneezes and says noodles

Goblin noodles is one of a kind creature that can multiply by itself in by a mechanism that is called biomariopisis.
When you see one in the wild face at all times and if it tries to consume your soul into a different dimension of space time yell FUS RO DA at it.
Goblin noodles is one of a kind creature that can multiply by itself in by a mechanism that is called biomariopisis.
When you see one in the wild face at all times and if it tries to consume your soul into a different dimension of space time yell FUS RO DA at it.

Goblin noodles-Ohhh fuck i just farted* says noodles at the same time

by Lacticdick January 31, 2019

Smack Noodle

The most unattractive piece of ass (human) you have ever seen!

3rd"Damn! That B**** is Smack Noodle bro!

by Silly bittch May 30, 2017

spicey noodle

A feisty snake with attitude.

Person 1: he's got some attitude today, tagged at me earlier

Person 2: he's a spicey noodle

by Forestfox25 May 16, 2021

Pure noodle

A girl that hoes around but hasn’t had sex

Jill is a pure noodle.

by Fatballs02 July 5, 2019

Send Noodles

Noodles means nudes , also meaning to send every month on the third like rent

Hey Bae I'm bored and can't do anything in quarantine, can you send noodles

by XtremeLimits June 4, 2020

Noodle case

Noodle case is a midlands meaning of a tiny cock box e.g a noodle inside a lunch box however is can also stand for the size of a womans pussy being overly big for your mates dick.

Also used if your mates are being completely and utterly annoying as an insult which when used correctly is hurtful.

Stop being a fuckin noodle case.

Your misses must have a massive noodle case mate she is huge.

Noodle case, your cocks tiny

by Noodle case August 9, 2010

nub noodle

A word used over the interwebz, describing asians as noobs.

omg dude, jesung-woi tung just re-rolled a wizard, lawl, wut a nub noodle!

by [rhys] December 23, 2007