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Mountain Douche

1. A song by the band Fecal Dick.
2. What you look like when you drink Mountain Dew.

1. I'm going to dedicate the song "Mountain Douche" to my ex, because he IS a mountain douche.

2. Check out the mountain douche to your right.

by shitstain4 April 16, 2010

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brokeback mountaineer

A person of the small suburban town Mahwah New Jersey, who thinks he is a cowboy and lives somewhere in the southern region of the United States. In reality, Mahwah is 20 Miles away from New York City, and there is no need what so ever to be wearing any kind of boot in this town.

"Yo... why are those kids wearing boots and cowboy hats ?"

"Oh thats Trey, hes a brokeback mountaineer...fuckin fat faggot.."

by Anthony R April 18, 2007

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Snow on the mountain

When one man accidentally has anal sex with another (usually a Thai ladyboy), where the former 'thinks' the latter is a biological female, resulting in ejaculated semen internally coating the tip of the penetrated man's stool.

Hey, man, did you hear how Adam put snow on the mountain the last time he was in Thailand?

by genderbender4 April 5, 2015

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mountain climbing

(in video games)The act of driving up a steep hill to kill the guy on top or other side of that hill.

In that battle there was some serious mountain climbing going on.

by Greevil August 23, 2006

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Mountain Pointe

A shithole in the ghetto with bunch of gangsters

Desert Vista Student #1: Where do you go to School at?
Another Student: I go to school at Mountain Pointe

Desert Vista Student #2: Oh, so you are a gangster

by Gangsta1543 October 4, 2018

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mountain lion

1. A person that seems impossilbe to make friends with, but someone usually manages to.

2. a large american wildcat


Dude, you're friends with Matt?
That guy's a total mountain lion!

Look, a mountain lion on that ridge!"

by Lexi James April 2, 2012

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Mountain Dew

An Essence of Life Mountain Dew can heal any wounds and combined with Dorritos it can give life

Guy: What are you drinking?
Guy: Mountain Dew Dipshit

by MLGDEW February 2, 2015

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