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fun points

When a member of a squad or generally anyone does something extra awesome, baller, or clutch, they earn fun points. Fun points allow people to keep track of how cool they are or how amazing they are. Someone who is really cool has a ton of fun points because they earn so many by doing cool things like: Sky diving, always having good jokes, and mooning people etc. etc. However, chaches cannot receive fun points. They think they're awesome enough already (even if they aren't).

Person A: Dude, I just won $1,000,000 in the lottery.
Person B: Wow, you just earned a shit ton of fun points.

by SharkskinJacket May 17, 2016

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the fuck point

(n.) The point in an assignment at which you say โ€œFuck it all,โ€ slap down some bullshit, and turn it in without reading it (via Tumblr user flirting-with-psychology)

I hit the fuck point doing homework at 2AM last night

by hashtagyawn4ever March 6, 2016

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Hetero points

Hetero points are points you get for doing typically manly things, different amount of points are awarded for different things.

Losing Hetero points is also known as gaining Homo points so if somebody is on negative Hetero points, they are on Homo points.

John: I just raced a guy at the traffic lights!
James: Dude, have 5 hetero points!
John: Let's bake a cake with pink icing when we get home!
James: Make those homo points

by whitgift101 August 3, 2009

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pr points

punk rock points.

Those who use pr points are in no way punk rock. Those who make fun of those who use them are in no way punk rock.

"Why don't I have any pr points?" "Because you lost them all shopping at hot topic." Heinrich got seven pr points for tagging the Wailing Wall.

by MyDomination June 1, 2006

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mute point

Trying to make a point during a phone call while your phone is on mute. Usually occurs during a conference call.

Bob's point was a mute point because no one could hear as he had put his phone on mute.

by zmbb3 March 13, 2008

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scene points

Stupid activity played by fresh cuts (old school term for "noobs") that earn them the disdain of those who were in the thick of things before they bastardised it all.
A quick way to get the shit kicked out of you at a "HxC" (gayest way to write it ever) show since true hardcore kids dont do their hair like girls nor dress like them. Sorry kid with bleached streak of hair in face, youd get your ass beat down bad at a show in the late 80s-early 90s.
Scene points and scene whoring go hand in hand and often involve:

Being obnoxious and taking pictures of everything trying to pass yourself off as somekind of legit photographer.

Buying every last bit of merch you can afford (or rather your parents).

Wearing that new merch for weeks on end to show how cool you are to those on the outside.

Sucking up to bands and pretending theyre youre friends after a brief encounter.

Bragging about guest list entrance after female scenester has banged every member in band. *coat rack*

Throwing straight edge around like a badge and not just a way of life for those who CHOOSE it.

Buying their studded belts at hot topic.

Ruining everything that is holy in their sight.

Noob Girl: I just totaly screwed all of the guys from Alexisonfire! It was so HxC!!!!!
Old School hardcore "kid": Oh you sure got your scene points...fucking coat rack!

by Lawn Mower March 9, 2008

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edgy points

Points given to those edgy individuals. One point given for every edge. If an individual is extra edgy, multiple points may be awarded. The edgiest person wins at life.

"Paige get two edgy points for that harry potter tattoo." "oh that gabby girl is so edgy, she deffo gets 10 points for that nose ring." "Georgia you are so not edgy, minus edgy points for that gal."

by Lily too edgy for lyf October 12, 2013

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