A republican that is secretly a pan sexual or has more than one cast iron skillet of the same size
Hey buddy I noticed your MAGA hat and those two 8" cast iron skillets you had hanging above the stove, I'm just gonna co.e out and say it, are you a pan republican?
Burning the shit out of a pan when making food, especially Mac n’ Cheese.
Alternate: When you burn your hand on a pan and it puts you in a sour mood for the night.
Oh did you guys see what Jaime did? She was totally Rubying a pan and it was fucked for the rest of the night!
when you open the asshole and you take a turd right in the middle and have anal sex with the girl after that.
Last night I made a great Alabama HOT pan with Tiffany...
Opposite of Pot Pot or Pot Pan which means a buck who flirts with all girls or boys they come across.
This Pan Pan is so quiet. Man he's the complete opposite a Pot Pot I met yesterday
Jantjie pan is used as a nickname for "Janno" or "Janu". He is a dark haired boy that loves to play sports, especially with big balls that he can catch
Mom: Jantjie pan, we're going to be late for rugby practice
a Very loveable mommies boy that loves when dogs ride on his back. He has dark hair and lives to play sports, especially with big balls. The name is used as a nickname
Come on Jantjie Pan we're going to be late for practice.
The act of a woman squeezing her peroid Blood into your mouth while you Conley sleep with your mouth open and she squats over you.
Elvis was having fun until tell his wife made him her oil pan