a socially inept retarted sex pest who generally stumbles through life like a drunken wizard who has no magical powers and by definition only has one eye.
the majority of patches also known as brettz tend to display an odd fettish for the sexual act of leg kissing.
A patch will often be oblivious to rejection from any female companion and regardless of being an ugly one eyed muppet and will still mistakenly believe they are a real catch, when in reality most homo sapiens would rather catch ebola than a patch.
a Bretts natural habitat tends to be a smallwood suttonhill.
brett: i swear babe she was kissing and cuddling me she had white french knickers on ask aled
Leanne: shut up u liar you are talking mumbo jumbo, stop being sucha PATCH.
brett: ok sorry i must be mistaken maybe i blinked my one eye and got the wrong end of the stick
To patch something means to steal something or if something has been patched, it has been stolen.
1980's slang term for vagina. Females in the 80's usually had hair on their vagina's that resembled a patch.
"I'm going out to find me some patch!"
A group of vegetarians
There's a patch coming to the BBQ so we need some meat free products.
Patch is a super cool guy
“Did you know that patch is kind”
“Yeah he’s so kind tbh so cool”
a type of rodent that is often not potty trained. these animals tend to have an increased interest in feet.
put socks on before patches shows up again…
A kid, technically between 7 and 12
That patch over there is so obnoxious.