A cuke poke is when you give your highly slick love tunnel (vagina) a literal poke from a cucumber. Or, several pokes.
Today, I went to Publix and purchased the perfect cucumber. I could barely make it home. I slid the cucumber out of the thin, plastic bag and proceeded to give myself a WELL deserved cuke poke. Ahhhhh! Satisfaction, at long last.
When beginning to activate your cognitive abilities. As if the hamster wheel in your brain is starting to work.
I cant remember! I need to poke the hamster
When a man goes for oral sex but accidentally pokes his partner in the eye with his willy. Is a mash-up of two words, cornea (meaning eye) and horny.
WARNING: Can cause injury, flush immediately and see a doctor!
Husband: Are you okay? What's the holdup down there?
Wife: I'm fine, you just gave me a little hornea poke, that's all.
When Skyler's mom and Kathy poke each others privates with their pinkies
My mom and Kathy pinky poke each other
When asking your girlfriend in front of other people if she will peg you later when you get home.
This party is whack. Id rather go home so you can poke my spokes
The anus. The butthole, The dirt star
How do people tan their poking circle
Making fun of someone the wrong way
A - "I'm just poking your ass"