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clutch prep

The better version of khan academy! Clutch Prep is tailored to your course and even class, allowing you to study following along with the same exact material your professor is teaching!

clutch prep is the only reason I am passing orgo

by msjulia January 5, 2021

head prep

The act of rubbing the penis head in between the vagina lips in order to moisten the gentleman's sausage for insertion.
Moist pussy dick sex insertion

"Hold on babe got to head prep"

by RupertfL February 16, 2016

Cicero prep

A classical education school filled with unfunny boys and attention seeking girls.

I would never be caught wearing a Cicero prep uniform

by Ciceroprepmemes1 March 3, 2023

prep town

Means everyone in your town is white and rich

Guy 1: You stupid cunt you live in a prep town.
Guy 2: That's really offensive. My feelings are hurt now.

by TroyIsAPussy July 13, 2016

Prep nigga

A hard ass nigga.

Them prep niggas stay strapped

by Brockotherocko January 19, 2020


The worst fucking school ever, everyone is a jerk or PC PIECE of garbage, Biggest L of anyones educational prowess,
There are only a few cool teachers there but the students are pretty fucking cool.

Timmy "Hey jimmy do you go to GEM PREP"
Jimmy "Yeah"
Timmy "I heard that place sucks BCC"
Jimmy "Yes it does"

by GIGA OCK June 1, 2023

1👍 1👎

prep squad

Someone especially edgy and preppy. Also sassy

Liam Parker is an ultimate prep squad member.

by coolekdins January 7, 2017