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racing for pink slips

The ultimate bet in terms of personal confidence in an illegal Street race or the like. Two racers put their cars on the line by offering their registration slips as winnings. The winner of the resulting race wins the opponents car for good. This is exhibited in some of the Fast and Furious movies.

Friend 1 "hey man what's up?"

Friend 2 "I just won me a new car last night, racing for pink slips."

Friend 1 "Wow, you're brave, putting your car up like that.

Friend 1" well I wanted that car man.

by ThatSmartKid June 22, 2014

84๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Critical Race Theory

A new concept that was come up with by those that are trying to reinstill racism in the white population of the United States. A false idea that with the law of probabilities can be proven to be false. It is an effort to combat our over hundred years effort to give the black population equality. This instills in our white kids that blacks are not equal and inferior to the white race. This teaching will increase the amount of racism we have in the culture and teach young kids that they are born racist when in fact most of their families are teaching them to not be racist.

Critical race theory is a bunch of bs.

by Mr. Homophobia June 28, 2023

227๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

RuPaul's Drag Race

The Fiercest Competition Show on TV. A group of talented drag queens compete in many different challenge activities that evaluate their Drag ability. Each week there is a challenge and a runway, the queen that does the best wins the challenge and the 2 queens that do the worst have to lipsync for their life. They will perform a lipsync infront of RuPaul and the one that outshines the other will stay in the competition, the losing contestant will have to go home. When there are 3 queens remaining, one that has shown the most talent and ability throughout the competition will win.

To learn about Drag itself, See drag

Did you watch last weeks episode of RuPaul's Drag Race? I heard that Trinity Taylor won another challenge and Aja went home. That is one heck of a show!

by Dragmania May 26, 2017

82๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Malta Racing Moment

When one wants to cover up a spelling mistake by indicating that his finger slipped

Nathan: "Oops silly me that was a Malta Racing Moment"

by Dronzi May 21, 2021

PC Master Race

Gamers who invest time and money into their personal computer and use it as their main gaming platform with the graphic settings cranked up to maximum. Unlike the dirty console peasants, members of the glorious PC gaming master race have the freedom to upgrade their hardware, overclock, modify their game files, and play games at a level of quality unobtainable on consoles.

While anyone can go out and buy a powerful gaming computer which comes pre-assembled, many purists will argue that the money saved and experience gained from building a computer yourself is what actually makes someone a member of the PC master race.

Ryan: Did you hear Dave just built a $2,000 gaming computer?
Jeff: Yeah, he threw away his Xbox and has been playing Spreadsheet Simulator 3 for a week straight.
Ryan: He has truly become a member of the PC master race.

by no gaems June 7, 2013

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Great American Race

A tournament which includes teams of 3, a 30 case of beer, an 1/8 of weed, a large pizza, and a 500 piece puzzle. First team to finish all 4 wins!

It is important that all supplies are from the same place
i.e pizza from the same hut
weed from the same dealer
same brand of beer
same puzzle
otherwise others might have an unfair advantage.

All team members must start attempting to finish all obstacles at the same time. For instance, you cannot finish the puzzle then start drinking. Or have one team member focus on smoking and another on eating.

Have fun!!

I'm competeting in the Great American Race tonight. If I die, tell my mother I love her.

by magatron February 9, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

de sa race

Litterally "of his race"

Used as a complement to an insult to reinforce it

Putain de sa race - Bitch of her race

by antben January 3, 2012