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Fluff Shake

To fluff shake is to diarhrea. It is a liquid form of a fluff. It is derived from the fact that when you diarhrea it looks like a messed up milk shake was poured into the toilet.

Man, that bean burrito I had yesterday sure gave me a bad case of the fluff shakes.

Oops! I just fluff shaked in my pants.

by Poopty puepty pants April 18, 2005

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pussy shake

When one spits, vomits, Cums,urinates, or puts snot into a pussy, and drinks it

want a pussy shake?

by crackapple-D; January 11, 2011

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Idaho Shake

To take a shit on one leg and with the other leg dip your foot in the shit and smear all over someones face

Im going to pull an idaho skae on yur ass

by matt January 14, 2004

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Queer Shakes

Queer shake is a term to describe the effect of a really cringe worthy moment. After witnessing the moment, the viewer may experience a small amount of shaking that is associated with their cringing.

"Man, did you see that video of that cop singing The Star Spangled Banner?" -Man 1

"Yeah, it left me with The Queer Shakes it was so bad!" -Man 2

by Heraclitus94 April 2, 2013

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Milk Shake

Roughly raw dogging a person analy and cumming inside of them that cum and feces spill out of them.

Damn that ass deserves a milk shake.

by Real Human 69 March 3, 2021

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Homer Shake

A bit from the animated sitcom the Simpsons in which the family performs a version of a popular meme, the Harlem Shake. The joke is that it came out 2 years after the meme was popular, making it highly circulated in communities declaring it "goche as shit."

"Do the Homer Shake!"
"Shut the fuck up."

by SuburbDictionary February 16, 2021

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The act of having your partner finish you off on her face and or chest, in the motion of the shake-weight from them hilarious commercials.

Kevin: " hey, did you go home with that bartender last night?''

Steve: "yeah."

Kevin: ''DETAILS!"

Steve: " well, we went back to my house, had a few drinks, smoked a joint and then she ended up shake-weighting me."

Kevin: " you lucky bastard. I can't beleive she shake-weighted you."

by prodigyofmind July 26, 2010

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