Source Code

half-your-age-plus-seven rule

A convenient rule to define the youngest that a romantic interest can be before the relationship is indecent. Widely referred to and used, the rule has merit for usefulness. The full version states: "if you halve your years then add seven, you'll have the youngest decent age for a partner; if you double your years then subtract seven, you'll have the oldest decent age for a partner".
However it's somewhat flawed thanks to the poor mathematical ability of its authors -- it gives a different result depending on whether it is worked out for a younger or older partner.

26-year-old Barbara waited patiently until Jack turned 20, fulfilling the half-your-age-plus-seven rule, before pursuing him romantically.

by kriswa July 28, 2007

551πŸ‘ 275πŸ‘Ž

Age Free Role playing

Age Free Role playing is just what it says, it simply means There will be nothing restricted on what will or will not be role played regarding characters age in short (AFR)

I only do Age Free role playing

by Age Free role player December 19, 2021

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

NAF (New Age Furry/ies)

A group of furries that is dedicated to the welbing, upkeep,and happiness of the furry fandom. It is a system close to a government for the fandom and all furries are invited to join. It is mainly based on ifunny.

All members are required to follow certain rules to be in the NAF to insure its survival and to keep confilct to a minimum.

You can join the NAF by kiking it's leader (my self) at alex_wolf_furry

All furies are welcome to join

NAF (New Age Furry/ies) will be a great asset to the furry fandom.

by Alexwolffurry September 21, 2014

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

NAF (New Age Furry/ies)

A group of furries that is dedicated to the welbing, upkeep,and happiness of the furry fandom. It is a system close to a government for the fandom and all furries are invited to join. It is mainly based on ifunny.

All members are required to follow certain rules to be in the NAF to insure its survival and to keep confilct to a minimum.

You can join the NAF by kiking it's leader (my self) at alex_wolf_furry

All furies are welcome to join

The NAF (New Age Furry/ies) is a small group.

by Alexwolffurry September 21, 2014

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Middle Aged Emo Boy Sexual

Being sexually attracted to men in the age range of their 30s-40s and typically these men are in emo rock bands in which they sing about death and their feelings. they typically have red, black, or brown hair and scream a lot. More specifically, they are most likely to be found in New Jersey or Ohio. This sexually is very hard to pursue, considering these men are 20+ years older than you, they are married, they have kids, and they don’t even know you exist even though they saved your life.

Omg you’re so pretty, are you lesbian?
Oh no you see, I’m middle aged emo boy sexual

by Emo fag:) May 4, 2021

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

{Urban Dictionary User aged 10-15}

There are many kinds of UDU (Urban Dictionary User). Most are aged 10-15 and usually, they hate each other. There are:

10 year olds: Think they're hard because they discovered swears and CoD, like to boast about it and fail at pretending to be fifteen.

11 year olds: Think they're amazing because they aren't 10 anymore.

12 year olds: Boys are usually obsessed with DC and football and being popular. Girls are more into Jack Wills clothes and being 'random' but failing epically.

13 year olds: Think they're amazing because they are teenagers and think they can take the piss out of everyone younger than them.

14 year olds: Think they're the most superior, funny, witty, brilliant people ever. Girls try to be scene, and they try and act hard by having a go at people and judging them on whether they've hit puberty or not. Defines things to do with sex on here because they think they're hard. (13 year olds do this too, BTW)

15 year olds: Think they're superior to anyone younger than themselves. They talk about CoD and stuff like that. Complain about the 'younger generation'.

&this only refers to the people on here.

{Urban Dictionary User aged 10-15}

10YO: omg lyk hi guise im lyk 15 innit hahaha
11YO: omg shut up 10 year old im cooler than u

12YO: omg i need 2 be popular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13YO: omg im a teenager that means im the gr8est ever shut up lil kidz lol
14YO: omg shut up little kidz omg i hate u all im so cooler than u and prettier lol i bet ur all sooo short and evryfin lol

15YO: omg ew little kidz ew ew i hate u alll!!!!!!!!!!!!111111one

by a 12 year old. February 4, 2012

94πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Half your age plus seven rule.

A mathematical equation used to find the youngest age a person can date without being considered a disgusting, cradle robbing freak. (A/2)-7=Y, where A is your age and Y is the youngest you should date.

Conversely the rule can be inverted to find the oldest age a person should date. 2(A-7)=O, where A is your age and O is the oldest you should date.

John is 26 and dating a 20 year old named Kate, (26/2)+7=20. Their relationship satisfies the half your age plus 7 rule.

Kate is 20 and dating a 26 year old named John. 2(20-7)=26. This relationships satisfies the inverse of the half your age plus seven rule.

by Trojan91 July 18, 2012

44πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž