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Brody Murphy

Fat bitch who argues with his fat sumo wrestler brother Kohan. He eats so much purple Doritos his family is going into debt and eats cheeseburgers lol o no

Brody murphy

by Maxtonbutler November 27, 2023

Karl Brodie

A wanker who thinks he's cool cause he spends money on clothing.

Jesus I hate him. He's such a Karl Brodie

by Yes lord May 8, 2021

Neck Brodie

Term used to describe someone who is fat with a thick neck with bad posture.

Aye neck brodie come here!

Put it on neck brodie!

by Neckbrodiefan May 25, 2024

5👍 1👎

Neck Brodie

Term to describe a person with a very thick neck and bad posture

Aye neck brodie come here!

Aye neck brodie hop off chaturbate

by gyatnandhu May 20, 2024

4👍 1👎

Brodys sisters

Dead fagots and autistic family members who sniffed the sisters ashes out his moms pussy and the dead started fucking a kid named Tony and turned him gay

I nutted all over Brodys sisters

by Nigball Beau November 20, 2023