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New Kent

A county in Virginia ran by L.A or the people of Lanexa, the school is filled with nic fiends, pot heads and whores or whores who dont know they’re whores.

boy 1: where you live?
boy 2: New Kent.
boy 2: where do you live?
boy 1: Lanexa.

boy 2: oh word. tryna match?

by taylor bandy February 28, 2020

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

News Corp

(BUSINESS & MEDIA) 3rd largest media holding company in the world; US holdings include Fox News, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, and Dow Jones; in the UK, News of the World, *The Sun*, *The Sunday Times*, & The Times (London); and a couple dozen papers in Australia, plus Sky Broadcasting. News Corp also owns HarperCollins & 20th Century Fox.

News Corp is fairly aggressive for a holding company in actually imposing a unified strategy and brand identity on its holdings. It was created by Rupert Murdoch from News, LTD. (a firm created by Murdoch's father, Sir Keith) in 1979, a few years after he went on a media buying spree in the USA. Murdoch became a US citizen so he could legally own US TV stations. The Murdoch family owns 29% of News Corp; Saudi Prince Al-Walid bin Talal owns 7%.

News Corp launched Fox News in 1996 to compete with CNN; shortly before this, News Corp also launched the neoconservative magazine *The Weekly Standard* with William Kristol as its editor.

News Corp is not as large as Walt Disney or Time Warner, but it has been far more successful as a business model than its larger competitors. That's mainly because Murdoch focused on finances and political strategy, whereas the other media conglomerates remain unwieldy, random agglomerations. It's like a battle between a remorseless bulldozer and a large heap of sand.

by Abu Yahya September 1, 2010

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

New Orleans

A city with a large percentage of lazy people, a culture of terrible public education, and BY FAR the worst streets in America...but at least the affluent neighborhoods have the same shitty streets as the poor! A city with an out-of-control crime rate and murders that occur all over the ciy (Central City, Uptown, Mid City, NO East, and all over the WestbanK) with many carjackings and drug-related/retaliation shootings. A city that was stupid enough to keep Ray Nagin in power...


The city with maybe the best food in the country, not just the upscale stuff but also the great corner-store food (see po-boys and red beans and rice). A city with a rich tradition of jazz music and festivals. A city that worships the Saints, which helps distract people from all of the problems in the city. A city with an extremely unique personality due to the architecture, food, and music that you won't find anywhere else.

New Orleans could be the greatest city in the country if the people would do more to confront the crime and education problems.

by Yakmeister Y October 19, 2010

27πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Fox News

A channel solely dedicated to political humor by taking everything that is right with the world, twisting it so it's so wrong that it's funny, then claiming that it's news. The only bad thing about this channel is its lack of a laugh track.

Man, I love Fox News. That O'Riley guy is such a hoot!

by Null Windhunter November 13, 2007

310πŸ‘ 184πŸ‘Ž

fake news

Any statement or report that truthfully exposes the lies, ignorance, conflicts of interest, erroneous statements, megalomania, and racist, misogynistic, illegal, traitorous and tyrannical activities of the so-called President Trump and his administration. Syn. Newspeak., Ant. propaganda

WH Official Says Negative Trump Reports Will Continue To Be Labeled As β€˜Fake News’

by regawsnor February 14, 2017

273πŸ‘ 1017πŸ‘Ž

brand new

An awesome band!

Some lyrics from Seventy Times 7 (written about the guy from taking back sunday, jesse's ex best friend):

Is this what you call tact?
You're as subtle as the brick in the small of my back
So let's end this call
And end this conversation

Is that ehat you call a getaway?
Tell me what you got away with
Coz you left the frays on the ties you severed
When you say best friends it means friends forever

Is that what you call a getaway?
Tell what you got away with
Coz I've seen more spine on jellyfish
I've seen more guts on 11 year old kids

Have another drink and drive yourself home
I hope there's ice on all the roads
And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt
And again when your head goes through the windshield

by brandnewcrazy June 2, 2004

398πŸ‘ 240πŸ‘Ž

new york

11th State of the Union the consists of three main parts:

1. New York City - The most well known part of New York is New York City, which, contrary the popular belief is not ONLY Manhatten but also Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx, and Staten Island. NYC is one of the most diverse places in the world...If you stand in Times Square for a full day, you will see someone of every nationality. Home of such shows as Rent, Wicked, and The Producers, and just an amazing place to be. NYC doesn't deserve the bad rep it has as it's been cleaned up more then the rest of the world can imagine since the 80's.

2. Long Island - LI is an island directly south of NYC that contains Naussua and Suffolk counties. We're best known for our beaches, drunk teens, and bitchy girls (we're not all bad). Horrbile accents run freely(for you it's Long Island, for us it's Lawn Guyland). DO NOT be mistaken that a an LIer thinks they are a part of NYC. LI is mostly urbanized with some farm land. Alot of the population is rich (Great Neck, Manhasset) , but there are some poorer areas (Hempstead).

3. Upstate- Usually considered anything North of NYC. Upstate tends to be rather rural but can have a crazy party life on weekends. Many people believe that the upstate-ers are intermarried hicks, but this is not the case. Upstate New York is just the same as the rest of NY except a little bit colder and a little less polluted

1. "New York City...Center of the Universe."
2. Long Island- Home to the most potheads in the United States.
3. Upstate - Gorgeous!

by Erica March 14, 2006

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