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fun run

another form of public transport commonly used in the city of sydney.

ryan: dude, we just missed the 12:07 bus! were totally fucked for our physio appointment.
dale: chill out man, we'll just take the next fun run that comes along.
ryan: look, here it comes now.

by cannasβ„’ August 9, 2008

45πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

run dmc

The Greatast Group in the History of Music.


None Needed

by braz February 22, 2004

219πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž

running out

When someone is trippin, getting on your nerves.

That lil girl at the grocery store was running out yesterday for some candy.

by Lolo_78 May 4, 2007

38πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Dry run

After a long night of partying and you wake up delirious, thinking to yourself, "How much did I drink?". So you make a dry run through the house counting the empty liquor/beer bottles .

Woke up drunk. Had no idea what I had drank so I made a dry run through the house, WOW I had tequila!

by prinsdi October 25, 2014

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Bread Run

The act of sitting down at a restaurant, eating all the bread from the basket, and leaving the restaurant without ordering.

This is sometimes done intentionally, and other times with previous intentions of ordering a full meal.

Ex. 1:
Dave: "I'm hungry. Want to go get some food?"

Mike: "Same here, but I didn't bring my wallet."

Dave: "Me neither. Let's just make a bread run at that Italian place down the street."

Ex. 2:

Larry: "This restaurant looked good, but now I can see it's just a tourist trap."

Michelle: "At least the bread is good. Let's just make a quick bread run and find another place."

by Ju1ia April 27, 2010

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

running of the balls

When a hurricane of sperm goes all over the place

Are you ready to outrun the semen in the running of the balls than cum on and run.

by joe c January 18, 2004

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

manzanar runs

An extreme case of diarrhea, akin to that experienced by the Japanese housed at the American Manzanar concentration camp. Usually used in a situation in which one will have to do their business in a public bathroom, again relating to the situation at Manzanar.

That meat they served at the cafeteria today gave me a serious case of the Manzanar runs; I'll have to blow up the toilet during English class it seems.

by cuntdumpster December 30, 2017