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skin the cat

to get undressed. usually a phrase used to let children know it's time to get out of dirty clothes and into their clean clothes.

Brian's mother said, "Skin the cat - you need to get you pajamas on. It's time to go to bed."

by Chickamunk January 23, 2005

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skin flute

Someone who sucks a penis. In other words playin the flute or giving a blowjob. The term "Flute" in skin flute is reffering to someones cock, penis, weiner, pecker, helmet head, dick, disco stick, etc.

Guy 1: That guy named Jordan from the coffee shop is a proffesional skin flute player!

Guy 2: I know yesterday he tried to play my skin flute but i beat his ass.

by Retwiler January 3, 2010

29๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

skin check

A suggestion to a person to take a look at the actual color of their skin when they are pretending to be of a different race.

Skin check! Dude, you're white, don't act black!!

by Lauren the great November 9, 2003

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Skin Scarf

When a person's neck fat is so much that it appears they are wearing a scarf of skin

"Did you see the neck on that tubby hooker? Looks like she's wearing a skin scarf"

by kocksneeze October 19, 2009

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Christmas skins

the skins in fortnite that every 12 year old will cop they will most likely steal their moms credit card and buy every christmas skin that have big asses.

Yo bro are you gonna buy the nog ops she thicc af all the christmas skins are gonna be fire af im copping all of them so people are gonna think im og.

by i hate autistic kids December 7, 2018

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Skin Ditched

When a girl with enormous tits and cleavage shoves your face in between her boobs so your face is stuck in the created "skin ditch".

Henry: dude! you just got skin ditched by Melissa!

Me: Waa...air...*gasp*...i....need...air...

by Tom the Ninja May 1, 2008

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Skin thirty

A Hand based sundial; when one of your friends asks you what time it is and you're naught wearing your watch and you're naught umbilically attached to your cellular phone and you look at your bare wrist and say skin thirty.

"Hey, jables? What time you got? "
"Uhm.. skin thirty buddy, I'm naught wearing my watch."

by Cthulhu Rex October 6, 2018

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