Storm is the farther of electrowire and deathstorm he is saver person to be he will sacrifice him to save everyone even the world and farther of Deathstorm and electrowire
Storm is God of Time and he control all of time
Storm is an amazing person, she manages to cheer everyone up.
She cares about her friends so much and she has the best taste in music!
Have you met storm? She is the best person ever
If you find a Storm McConnell, your one lucky son of a bitch. She's got the most perfect hair, cutest smile and the bluest eyes you'll ever find. Not to forget she is the most perfect girl you can find.
John: Hey did you here Sean is dating Storm?
Peter: Holy crap he's one lucky son of a bitch!
The most gangsterest pimp there is. He is the hottest man alive and is best friends with andrew tate. Them combined have the ultimate rizz power and will take your b*tches in a matter of seconds.
“Hey did u see Storm’s story? it was a pic of him and your sister laying in bed”
The most sexy boy you will ever meet with a huge cock that will make you roll your eyes so far back that they will get stuck
“Omg I had sex with storm last night and it was amazing”
“Lucky! He’s so hot”