A place to release moist hairy fireballs when you put your snake in the fire.
Katie got a dirty Cpap at the think tank after getting smashed on fireball.
You get tanked(drunk), preferably with others for discourse, and then you think.
Often associated with the ballmer peak.
Origin: James Cook University, Queensland, Wayde Gardiner
The think tank last night was very productive, we finished our programming assignment.
Getting all new means thinking you are better than someone else
You think you're getting all new just because you think you know it all
basically thinking but not really drinking
dude michael im thinking not drinking. bro art that's sick always stay thinking.
Another word for day dreaming which some shit thought they made ;-; cough Hira
Something you should never say on a first date, as it will ruin the sexual tension between you and your partner. Should only be used as a way to get out of an awkward date.
Ted: I think i’m in love with you.
Robin: What?
A self-command, while still drunk in the morning, at work.
Jim: I am sick.
Billy: You aren't sick, you're still drunk. Think sober.