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Iceberg Shit

When taking a dump and the crap piles up above the water line in the toilet.

After taking a dump I was amazed at the Iceberg shit that was in the toilet.

by Splatz321 August 21, 2013

reggie shits

The tendency to become nervous and thus need to defecate, prior to running a race at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center in Boston, MA.

β€œWow, Wyatt’s race is coming up soon and he’s not back from the bathroom yet. He must have the Reggie shits!”

by 1000moffun December 22, 2019

Shit shooter

A butthole

She had a thong shoved right up her shit shooter.

by Ginger Snappah Head October 4, 2021

Science and shit

When you know the answer is scientific and you don't care to know how it works but need to explain it to somebody.

Why did they (the manufacturer) make it that way? That's a good question. It's science and shit.

by Ayrez December 10, 2014

Moby Shit

One in a great while a person with take a massive assive shit that will hurt. This only counts if its a single turd. This turd is named Moby Shit.

I had my Moby Shit yesterday

by zacherzach February 1, 2011

chipotle shit

A massive fecal experience that occurs after eating a Chipotle burrito that makes your toilet look as if there was an explosion that came out of your anus.

Pete, I just took a chipotle shit and my ass is on fire.

by Pizzile December 18, 2006

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Eat Shit

A phrase which has two common usages:

A: A phrase that connotates that somebody is angry at you. The literal meaning of this phrase doesn't really apply so much as the figurative insult that it delivers in a vulgar format. See: "Fuck you." And "Get fucked." for similar meanings.

B: To fall with intensity, smack against the ground, a wall, the dirt, or to otherwise collide with a solid surface against your will.

"Yeah, whatever. Eat shit, Josh."

"No, I fucking ate shit this morning! Josh pushed me!"

by Adam Samuel August 17, 2020

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