A person going onto Urban Dictionary basically once or twice a week just to troll on the internet by writing posts that will make people angry. They are usually about people, places, or celebrities that they are just really jealous of their talent, money, and beauty. They basically write about Paris Hilton, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, and (ugh) kim kardashian.
Person 1 - Ugh did you see that Urban Troll talking so much sh*t about Paris Hilton?!
Person 2 - Omg yes they are sooo jelly of them like wtf!!!11!!!!1
urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban urban
i like urban, its the best so urban yes
a word that you use that is in the urban dictionary
google stalk, its urban dictionfied,, just look it up in the urban dictionary
Urban Dicktionary with a bigger wang
Chad got on Urban Coctionary and got 15 words published in under a minute
A low quality babysitter to whom you entrust your children so you can have sex with a rando
I’ve got a sure thing tonight... I need to find an Urban Possum for the kids
Irreverent or politically incorrect math definitions on and about the number π, most of which stand zero chance of ever being published in a school textbook, because they are deemed inappropriate or unsuitable to the immature or puritan mind, or to those with a poor sense of humor.
How could pi enthusiasts be deprived of a lexicon of urban pi terms or phrases just because some of them are allegedly blasphemous or irreligious or preposterous?
26👍 42👎
A person that submits a definition when there are already a shitload of definitions for a phrase or word.
An urban asshat should always be given a negative rating
Bob: " Look dude, I made a definition for Donkey Punch"
Rob: "Congrats, dude you're only the 52nd definition, you fucking urban asshat"