Sophia Chaoui is a slang term for a girl that slays everyday and is a total baddie.
Sophia Chaoui is a god at field hockey and lacrosse.
An amazing girl. Often teased a lot about her surname some examples Sophia Ballsack, Sophia Balls or Sphere Ball. But in the end will end up insulting herself. She is smart, creative, independent and competitive. She is quite stubborn at times and can hold a grudge. She adores her friends and they make her more confident and feel good about herself. She doesn’t get many guys and will either make friends or enemies with them, but never boyfriends. Her friends are the ones who gets the guy and she will insult herself saying that she will always be alone. Most of the people won’t even know her name they will know her by her friends. She doesn’t know if anyone likes her but will always assumes they do not.
“Oh that girl Sophia Ball, yeah her friend is hot.”
An alter persona that comes out when intoxicated. Scary Sophia will target anyone in sight.
Oh No scary sophia is back everybody hide
Sophia Hamilton is a Crazy gorl she is awesome weird and fun she is the night in my shining armor. Sophia is like a cow moon in the good sense she I a waffle befor you turn it over. And she has never seen two pretty best friends.
Sophia Hamilton I have never seen two pretty best freinds
the most attractive human being on this planet
Sophia Escobar is the most beautiful girl in the entire world!!
Sophia and Tom are the cutest couple ever. Whenever you're around them, you fill with joy because you aspire to be like them. Smiles bouncing of each other when making eye contact. The way Tom looks a her makes other girls jealous and the way Sophia believes in him, makes anything feel possible. If you know a Sophia and Tom that aren't dating, please PLEASE get them together. Thank you.
*Sophia and Tom just existing*
Girl: why cant you be like that?
Boy: Damn you Tom