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shrubbery cunt

A woman who likes wood.

When I was fucking her , she Kepler screaming elm, elm, elm and my names mat . She's a shrubbery cunt.

by Geo P June 24, 2021

Kitty cunt

Kitty cunt : a kinky female lesbian whom has a fetish’s dire for the male species to eat her Pussy leave her with an adrenaline rush

My gay best friend is a “kitty cunt”because she liked when my boyfriend ate her Pussy during out erotic threesome

by Fussy Dino arms August 20, 2019

Sad Cunt

When you're with your misso and she dumbs you so you come crying to the boys as a second options

Fuck me, Jordan was such a 'Sad Cunt' on Friday

by Crackhead from down the road July 7, 2019

Sad cunt

Anyone who is whipped on a girl and says they aren’t, then one day a mate gets with that girl and he gets sad

Oh jack was such a ‘Sad Cuntthe other day.

by Crackhead from down the road July 4, 2019

cunt biscuit

A fat flaky dry vagina

Your face looks like a real cunt biscuit!

by highrollerjo March 17, 2017

Cunt biscuit

A dry ass cunt whore

That cunt biscuit bitch Jessica fucked my damn dog again.

by Justice_435 January 19, 2019

Cunt Biscuit

A female that you cannot stand and cunt just wouldn't suffice to describe her.

She is such a cunt biscuit!!!!

by Brimmjob March 9, 2016