Big head normally relates to a person called gavin, Gavin normally has a fucking ginormous head and you can see it from the other side of the fucking universe. His head looks like a deformed potato. Gavin has a terrible personallity, each time he sees someone he doesn't like he charges his ultimate move headbutt which completely obliterates the person from existence.
Aidan: Hey you know gavin?
Jeremy: Ohhh yeah Big Head
Aidan: Yeah him
Jeremy: Yeah i really dont like him
*Hears Foosteps*
Aidan: Oh fuck your dead
*Gavin used headbutt*
Aidan: Well he had a good life
Bryan Luke Rabalais™ ginormous boulder between his two shoulders. Legend says the sun rotates around that thing.
“How do I measure the circumference of that Big Head?”
How do you feel now that you're stoned? Used in the late '60s and early '70s in the context of friends sitting around smoking marijuana (occasionally asked of someone who had taken a hallucinogen). The answer was often "Fine, Man" or a description of the sensations.
How's your head? (as in "How's your head, man?")
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When someone is giving you a head ache in a good way :)
Shaylie your giving me a fat ass head ache
Slang for a fat woman's vagina.
"Did you hear what he did last night?! He ate out her pigs head!"