A Cunt-stache is a plaitted moustache formed from pubic hair like a fu man chu
"Oi your drawstring is hangin' out"
"nah mate thats my Cunt-stache"
A Caramel Cunt is someone who did anal, and then had it slip in to the vagina on accident, causing the receiver to act angry at the event. Caramel Cunts are mad, and rude to everyone until they manage to take a shower.
"You've been acting like a real caramel cunt lately since you met that guy, Brodin."
A bag of emptiness, nullity and void. An empty barrel
So you couldn't answer that question, you be akpa cunt
How could you forget to put out the fire, you this akpa cunt
A new born baby that was spewed out of the womb of someone who should have never reproduced.
I'm so sick of seeing that bitch Shannon and her ugly little cunt rocket.
it means if someones being rude call
all of them a cunt it means a women tits
Johnathan your a stupid cunt!!!!!!!!
Stupid cunt is someone who has 3 brain cells left and they barely even use 1 of them. This is usually the aftermath of PTSD after being molested by an 80 year old predator named Wendy Escobar
“Elio Ftanou is a stupid cunt”
“Poor Elio Ftanoy, he is a stupid cunt cause of Wendy”
A means of telling someone to fuck off
Somebody comes towards you but you don't like and you say to them "spin cunt"
fuck off