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Zombie go boom

The objectively best YT content ever. Originally included Jim Goza, but now mostly consists of Chuck Mere and Charles 'Executioner' Fultz. They test out requested weapons, common objects and mods from popular fiction e.g The Walking Dead on anatomically accurate zombie heads that feature synthetic cranial cavity, skull bone, tough foam flesh and rubber simulants, to see what damage they do, and if it would kill a person/zombie. Although they still upload today, they get barely as many views and money as they should, as they have been raped by YouTube's monetisation system, like so many other channels that were once huge. If I win the lottery I would give half of it to them as they are the one of the most deserving channels on YouTube. In a nutshell: Just watch their fucking channel, they have tested nearly every weapon from movies and video games as well as random objects that I'm sure you are curious if they could kill someone. Sub to ZGB Studios. I was not paid or asked to say this, they're just sick. They are also really good film makers, and it shows in some of their videos, such as the IT prank one.

Zgb Studios are more metal than most actual metal music channels. Did you know that a pencil can make a zombie go boom through the frontal cranium bone, but a Walmart machete can't even go through the parietal bone on the 5th strike?

by I guess myself idk May 6, 2021

I'm gonna go watch some food

The point where you are so tired in the middle of night that you go tell your friends. I'm gonna go watch some food. Then you should realize what you said unless your really tired. (Credit to Anthony Calderon he said it first)

Hey brb I'm gonna go watch some food. Wait. What? (laughs)

by Mr. Willis April 20, 2016

I am going to practice and warm up my dancing yayy!

I am going to practice and warm up my dancing yayy!

I am going to practice and warm up my dancing yayy!

by syafinaz confirms that? November 19, 2023

as you go along

To do something without preparing it beforehand

Learning how to become a parent takes time. It's a skill you learn as you go along .

by Bianca.ve June 29, 2017

go for the grades

1. the desire to get the best possible grades by choosing classes that are very easy for you

2. the desire to get a good education by spending a lot of time to obtain a very deep knowledge of subject being studied

for #1
We have advised my younger daughter to select her high school courses based on the highest level for which she can easily receive an A or B. I always believed that challenging yourself meant taking any class in which you were interested and giving it your best shot. However, there is no reward if you try and fail. So sadly, I want my younger daughter to "go for the grades" rather than challenging herself and stretching to learn more. It seems that the higher GPA will open doors to more colleges and also to more merit-based aid to be able to afford the colleges.

for #2
(from S. Covey book) the P/PC balance balances going for the grade and paying the price to get an education

by AK.69 February 29, 2012

i am going to throw a child off a cliff!


The child:pls woman dont.
*lexias throws the child anyways*

by Yourskoliosexualqueen November 25, 2021

Let me go grab my Dior Dior jacket

Unfunny Twitter meme from 2021 I think

The comments clowning on this monstrosity of the worst meme. Let me go grab my Dior Dior jacket

by Oil up lil broillbe there in 5 February 27, 2024