To be owed a favor or to be ahead of someone in something both parties have agreed to as a
Dude you beat me again you’re up one
I’m still up one on the favors you owe me bro
When someone has an Xbox live account, or a PlayStation account, but only plays on PC.
These people have a pointless Xbox/PS account that they never use.
They like to advertise their gamertags, but you never see them online. They’re like one trick ponies, only good at one thing.
Mr.NormalGuy123: “I play Xbox and PC.”
Mr.OneTrickGamer698: “Oh, I have an Xbox one account, my gamer tag is “MoldyPig.”
Me: *Searches him up on Xbox only to find he hasn’t been active since December 5th, 2015*
Me: “He’s a One Trick Gamer.”
A hovis one is a girl with the maddest softest back. hovis implies that the back is soft like a hovis loaf of bread.
Yo look over there that gyals got back do you think she's a hovis one?
a term for being so incredibly high, you wonder what it would be like if you were higher
guy 1: Yo matt shiver me timbers!
guy 2: Holy shit, what if we smoked the fat one?!
the lie someone tells themselves as they reach for yet another piece of celery
Guy: Man, i’ve already eaten half the bag
Guy: ok one more
A female that can't take dick. Hence the term. She takes one clap then taps out.
Nigga 1: Aye nigga I heard you fucked around with Tasha
Nigga 2: Yeah but she was a one clap tapper bro I didn't even get to nut!
To celebrate someone’s persistent mediocrity.
To frame one’s frog is like, “Wow Jake! That’s a great drawing of a tree frog. You think it’s better than the identical tree frog you drew last year, and the year before, and the year before that? Ok! I’ll frame it and you post it to Facebook”.