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Chicken butt

Chicken butt is something you can use to break any awkward silence. you can say chicken butt if you do not know how to respond to someone. Warning, once you start to use this it becomes addictive and chances are you end up over saying it.

*awkward silence* Chicken butt

by gm_1707718 November 22, 2021

Chicken Butt

a phrase typically used in a "funny" matter, where you tell someone to "guess what". if they respond with "what?" its go time. say the forbidden words. say... say... chicken butt.

Successful Attempt:

Person 1: hey guess what
Person 2: what
Person 1: chicken butt
Person 2: fuck off

Unsuccessful Attempt:

Person 1: hey guess what
Person 2: its been five years. the incident was five years ago. you need to let go. i know its hard for you to unde-
Person 1: chicken butt

by isuredohopeiamnotbannedfromurb November 23, 2022

chicken butt

chicken butt

chicken butt

by Handsome_Potatoe October 4, 2022

Chicken butt

Chicken butt means that you are deeply I love with said person.

“Guess what, chicken butt” - meaning you have very strong feelings for who it is said to

by Parker grant October 11, 2022

eyebrow butt

The vertical line stinking up the surface between your eyebrows

Time to get some botox in my eyebrow butt

by sexy Jessi December 21, 2011

choke butt

Being constipated or not being able to produce a bowel movement.

Here i sit broken hearted, tried to shit but only farted. Fucking choke butt!

by Rawdog1984 November 17, 2020

Michigan butt chug

The act of inserting an open Gatorade bottle in somebody’s anus letting empty out in your partners, rectal cavity and preceding the drink out of their anus.

“Me and my partner just did the Michigan Butt Chug last night. I don’t know how much I liked it, but I’m willing to try it again.

by K-Town Crips February 29, 2024