If you're here 'coz someone said "Stop talking 2 urself",u probably are.Its just when u get so high on drugs, or glue, or you're drunk,and u start having a conversation,but the other other person is the other part of ur head.If it's a frequent habit (and if u need that link,ur totally screwed),then I'd get professional help-even if its ur screwed mate,who took drugs-tell em u got this other person in ur head,and u want him 2 fuck off.something like that.
"Who da fuck r u tlking to?!?!"
"Huh-wha?I woz talking to this guy in my head..."
"How many whiffs of that stuff did you take?Your one crazed up loser!Get out of the Drug habit,man."
Nays -wan -bebi
embarrassing and disgusting words of mother fucking gross asf lover in codm.
(you are a single player who just wants to play codm peacefully and happily, and then maya maya you open your mic then you hear two couples like)
Me : (open the microphone)
Toxic boy: nice one baby
Cringe girl: owshiii!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Me:( choose to restrain myself, trying to ignore this crap conversation)
one of the most underrated songs of all time - Cher Lloyds single 'One Drink Away'
oh yea have you heard Cher Lloyds song 'One Drink Away'?
Is that a thirty-one bag?
Of course!
I just love thirty-one!
When one man gingerly rubs his P-hole against another man's P-hole.
During foreplay Devin one eyed butterfly kissed Frankie .
She's the best and most gorgeous friend you can have. She'll be there for you when you need help with a friend or when you are confused as fuck. You laugh at her with the nickname "Mariele" but it's all friendly. You wouldn't be able to live without her. Have a Maria aka TCO in your life.
Boy: your friend is a TCO (Maria The Chosen One)! You have the best friend ever!